KOWOOD Router Bit Self Destructs, Ruins My Router

4 years ago

I bought a 2 piece KOWOOD quarter inch tongue and groove router bit set from Amazon for 25 dollars, 7 off original price with Prime. It was delivered this afternoon and upon turning on my router to make sure the bit wasn't going to explode, it bent itself and bent my router shaft! I turned it on after securely tightening the bit all the way down into the collet, set the depth on my router plate, set the rpm to 16,000 rpm and a second after turning it on it bent itself. The instant it happened I let off the trigger but the damage was already done. It bent the bit, bent my shaft and took out 3 screw holes for the round plate for mounting. My router is now damaged and not able to be used. I am very upset and I have emailed the company with the video and a picture and set up the return to Amazon. I don't look for freebies but I want my router replaced! This is unacceptable!!! After the first one bent, I put the tongue bit in and tried it. My router now vibrates and does not cut right right. I took the bit out and turned my router on and it still vibrates. This router was my father's and can not be replaced. I would not recommend getting anything KOWOOD. I figured I'd try these because they were a deal and had good reviews. The problem with cheap stuff is it can be hit or miss and this was a huge miss... Thanks for watching. I am now without a router.

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