CLLO Ep9: Freelancers Against AB5 - The Stories are True!

3 years ago

Employers across the country are afraid to hire freelancers from California and Karen Anderson of Freelancers Against AB5 can tell you why. There is a great deal at stake in the state of California. Corrupt politicians have an agenda to bring every job in California back to the plantation, one lawsuit at a time. Last year, these lawmakers obliterated the gig economy with one poisonous bill: AB5. Freelancers are no longer free to work on their own flexible schedule based on their own particular needs. AB5 is so confusing that even the lawyers don't know what it all means! They just know it's written vaguely enough that they can make any employer guilty in a lawsuit whenever they feel like suing. Welcome to the People's Republic of California where freelance (like freedom) is an illusion.

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