The War Has Begun - Assault on Speech is an Attack on All of Us

3 years ago

The decision to silence voices that are opposing in nature to the ideals of certain players in our system will create some problems upcoming, and in my opinion, a new civil war.

Conservative voices, conspiracy theory voices, go ahead name them what you will, have been shut down and pulled by big tech. They are private platforms, right? They can do whatever they want. Sure (even though they have a monopoly and the purchasing power to buy off our worthless representatives in Congress to make it impossible to compete against them) - but really, how would you feel if this happened to you? It won’t, right?

The American people bow to their Gods at Amazon and Apple, Facebook and Twitter - we freely give up our data, our news and media platforms, our ability to share information - to these technological giants, and now, millions of people are being suppressed in the name of stopping violence. Well, I have bad news for you - this will absolutely incite more violence.

Freedom of speech means freedom to express oneself and what that person expresses may be unpleasant, you may not agree with it, it may even sound a little violent and scary - but FREE SPEECH means the freedom to speak. Eventually who decides what is okay or not to say, becomes the arbiter of truth - and right now you may agree with that arbiter, but that does not mean you always will.

Liberals should be horrified at the power big tech (and big government for that matter) have on our ability to speak and express ourselves freely - this has been a slow digression but took a violent turn this past week. If you think you are a liberal, but you are okay with ANYONE’S Twitter account of Facebook account being suspended, or platform being de-platformed, or servers being shut down - I have news for you - you are an authoritarian.

Far right and far left meet at some point, and it is bad for everyone. May God protect our country, because I believe the first shots have been fired for a sad time ahead.

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