Mining Howlite in Agua Dulce, California

4 years ago

During the middle of the nineteenth century California experienced a vast influx of new residents, many of whom were driven by the desire to strike it rich by discovering a vast fortune in gold mineral deposits or the "black gold" of oil. Another "gold," considered by some as "white gold" and perhaps not as well known as the first two, existed in the form of a mineral by the name of borax. Borax, boric acid, and other compounds of boron were utilized a century ago for everything ranging from medicinal purposes, food preservation, glass blowing, cleaning and even personal grooming.<br><br>The mine shown in this video was started in 1905 and produced 20,000 tons of borax a year. The original owners of the mine sold teh operation to another mining company in 1911 for $3 million which is $72 million in todays dollars! Hence the term "White Gold" The borax deposit ran out and the mine closed in 1921.

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