Differential Equations and Maximizing Functions in Python: Solving Simple Physics Problems (Part 2)

4 years ago

In this video, we look at optimizing a quantity that is part of a system of differential equations. We continue with simple physics problems, in this case projectile motion, and ask how far a baseball will travel when hit at a certain angle. Then we ask which angle will maximize the total horizontal distance traveled. We do this both with and without air resistance.

In the case of no air resistance, we check our numeric calculations by using the Sympy package to find the answer algebraically.

This video is part two of two.
Part 1: https://youtu.be/DSJj9rfHKPk

Githyb: https://github.com/kpmooney/numerical_methods_youtube/tree/master/physics/projectile_motion
Free Fall Problem: https://youtu.be/XPT3_L13RFM

Tip Jar: http://paypal.me/kpmooney

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