Our will over our emotions - How to stop fear and insecurity

3 years ago

Understanding that we ought to put our will over our emotions and how to do that is going to change our lives for the best!

Growing up, I experienced many traumas: physical, emotional, psychological, and so on. I didn’t know how to process them, and one of the things that was happening is that I couldn’t “see” danger. Meaning, I kept ending up in traumatic situations where I was being abused. So I made a promise to myself that when I grew up, I’d never again do anything that felt uncomfortable or bad again.

I didn’t realize we can learn to process our emotions (or that processing our emotions was a thing, for that matter), so I only had one tool in my life-box: eliminate the discomfort. Sometimes this meant cutting off relationships, quitting things, even moving around all across Europe for years, trying to find the people who “wouldn’t hurt me anymore.”

In my inner healing journey however, I discovered that can’t live a joyful and successful life avoiding things. On my own, I thought maybe I wasn’t eliminating enough of the discomfort (although there was nothing left to eliminate), but it reality it’s just not possible to be successful following our emotions. Once I started following my will – which meant doing what Jesus teaches us because I wanted to be healthy mentally and emotionally – my life got completely transformed, I healed all my past wounds, and am now rebuilding the old ruins with Jesus!

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