The Striper Blues Journal - Video Log 54 - 01-21-21 - The Chester River Challenges Captain T!!

4 years ago

Sports Fans!

GOSH! I know you gotta put your time in but Captain T is taking a fearful whoopin' at the hands of these rivers and creeks of the Chesapeake Bay for certain. Its brutal Kids! When I finally do dial this in its gonna be really sweet.

That's the lesson in all this I suppose. I'll always shoot you straight in my videos, you see me succeed, you see me goof up and you see me fail.....A LOT! Hey, that's life Sports Fans. You gotta take the bad with the good and when you do succeed, it really enhances the flavor of the moment I tell ya! When you fail you gotta get back up and keep going.

Anyhow, Captain T knows how to fail, figure out what he did wrong and go at it again harder and with no less enthusiasm. Besides, it is just so darn pretty out there isn't it?

I mean, who but God could have made something as beautiful as the Chesapeake Bay and all these gorgeous rivers and creeks and such......who?

Well, enough preaching out of me. Better luck next time for Captain T, heck, you can't lose them all can you?????

I'll see you out on the water Sports Fans!!!!

Captain T out for now!

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