UK Hospital Holds Man Against His Will

4 years ago
7 (link to original vid)
Note: They forced him onto a ventilator and he is now in a coma. I'm an old woman. But I remember knowing that, back in the UK (I live in Ireland now) a patient had the RIGHT to, if he or she wished, remove themselves from hospital or doctor supervision at any point in time. What is happening to body autonomy around the globe?
I'll tell you what. We're losing it. It's being taken from us, bit by bit.
NO medical authority has the RIGHT to override the patients wishes unless, as far as I'm aware, that person is a genuine risk to others.
This man wanted to go home. Even if he died, he had that right, to choose to fight to live or die in his own home. "Coronavirus pneumonia"? HSE, Ireland's health authority, could NOT provide the scientific proof under the Freedom of Information Act that Covid19 even exists....
Everybody needs to fight back against what is rapidly becoming a global dictatorship. Urgently. Or more like this poor man and his family will suffer.

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