Orgone Bubble Tech Manifestation device for healing & improving life in general & making it pt

4 years ago

Exciting new technology, that's cheap and easy to make. Empaths always feel the powerful etheric energy. It dispels all negative entities, they can't stand its intense holistic non-dualic energy. Its charged up with a violet ray wand at 33 000 Hertz for 9days. It empowers the heart spirit that manifests things what you want. Use your intuition on this, im trying to get the word out. Its promoted on YT by an academia genius Mike Emery and its a destined SPIRITUAL technology that is very healing, best manifestation tool, controlling weather, transforming EMF's to harmless, cures sleeping problems & many health problems. The list goes on. Read the miracles thread on the YT group: orgone bubble tech. Join and go to magical happenings (miracle) thread is has 800+ comments, so much info. It's awesome stuff. You will find it hard to believe what these devices do if you don't have claircognizance or much intuition connection to tell you it's true. YouTube vid is called, Bases 78 part 13 orgone bubble. The regular orgonite community is left in the dust but slowly waking up & now slowly starting to include our methods & ingredients etc. You tell it what you want and it will manifest it relative to the speed of its power and how advanced you made it. The one in this vid is high level because of the extra work & details put in. Animals love the energy and gather around them when outside, especially birds and squirrels. They love the healing euphoric energy. Orgonite attracts black helicopters looking for the chemtrail busters and circle around their neighborhood. But our stuff drives them off. We believe bubble tech is the reason 'they' put Wilhelm Reich in prison and then killed him. Its a major threat to the inner & outer demons. Join the war on evil by doing something positive and great for yourself by just making 1. Like most people, you will probably end up making a few   For greater manifestation and healing etc. The hurricanes and any destructive weather is stopped quickly, and brings rain to regions in need of it. The people who make them suffering from depression are helped greatly, & many more benefits to this bubble tech. I know it's hard to believe, and strange that is must be charged up by a 33 000 Hurtz frequency tesla coil (anti-wrinkle facial wand ) for 9 days, but it's recognized by dowsers ( with pendulums) to be genuine in its abilities. But the weather channel shows the physical proof in action in perfect correlation to when the bubbles are used. They encompass a very vast area with their field. They are used to make gardens grow way faster and stronger. Bubble tech is made with cheap materials & can be made big or small. The heart spirit within it is purely righteous and therefore can't be used for wrongdoing. It's known for enhancing telepathy and general 'awareness'. For ALL details on how to make and why etc join the group orgone bubble tech. Then go through the files section click on M.E. Those are the Mike Emery videos, don't forget the miracle experiences from the members in the thread called - Magic is in the air guys post your magical happenings. Link above. This device is super worth making, its helping people with borderline everything in life from either a little here and there with some things to very much and even miracles with other things. People cured of cancer etc.

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