The GOP is at a Cross Roads With Republicans Choosing Establishment or Populism

4 years ago

Senators Marco Rubio and Mitt Romney were on Fox News' "Fox Sunday Morning" and had wildly different opinions on the upcoming impeachment trial for President Donald Trump. Mitt is either being fed bad information on the future of the party, or he just doesn't care and wont be seeking reelection next time around as he claims that the Impeachment will bring Unity to the Country. Nope.

Marco Rubio put on his General Patton slacks this morning and called the entire charade stupid and vowed to shut it down as soon as he can vote on it. But he also had to answer if he was just putting on a play because he is up for reelection in 2022. Obviously he has heard the rumblings that Ivanka Trump is rumored to be a primary opponent for 'Little Marco', and after his comments about the Capitol Hill Riots and his lack of action in the previous term, the new wave of Republican Populism isn't going to forget about his failures.

Big shout outs to the Michigan and Arizona GOP's for Censuring Fred Upton, Cindy McCain, Governor Doug Ducey and Jeff Flake. A totally symbolic gesture, but shows that the state level GOP knows that the party will live and die by President Trump and Populism, and not the Romney/McConnell establishment.

Finally, Senator Rand Paul tore a strip off of ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week" as Paul wouldn't back down to Stephanopoulos' nagging about towing the media's line about the 2020 Election begin the most "Secure Election in History".

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