#274 7-5-19 Ethnonationalism: The Quest For Understanding By Walker Connor V

4 years ago

01:00 Quebec nationalism
13:00 Influencer offers used bath water to ‘thirsty’ fans and sells out
15:00 Trump's July 4 ceremony
18:00 LA's earthquake
20:00 The rapture
25:00 Canada's film industry
30:00 Ethiopian riots in Israel
34:00 Yoram Hazony on nationalism vs racialism
1:06:00 The Jewish Question
1:30:00 Bonnier family dominates Swedish media
1:48:00 Belgium/France/Dutch
2:01:00 Halsey English on French economy, Israeli nationalism, Yoram Hazony, Ethiopian riots
2:15:00 Book Club: On The Third Day by Piers Paul Read
3:00:00 Where are the female record collectors?

Rupert Emerson defines nation: "the largest community, which when the chips are down, effectively commands men's loyalty, overriding the claims both of lesser communities within it and those which cut across it or potentially enfold it within a still greater society."




Schindler’s Fate: Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and Population Transfers https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=128143




Otto Pohl: "Given the poor state of many universities today I was quite impressed by the success so far of @lukeford having a week long series of seminars on Walker Connor and nationalism. Neither Luke or @KMG are trained academics, but they did as well as any professors I have ever seen."

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