Heavener Runestone Park

4 years ago

This video was originally part of our longer, Lake Wister State Park video. I decided to post a shorter version of my Lake Wister video for those viewers that would say "no thanks" to a video over 30 minutes long. This is the edited video that documents our outing to Heavener Runestone Park during the Labor Day Weekend of 2018 when we stayed at Lake Wister. I have since split the original Lake Wister State Park video up in to three shorter videos but if you would like to see them all together then you can still find the longer version on our channel!

The Heavener Runestone Park in Heavener Oklahoma is a fascinating place for history buffs, nature lovers, and explorers. The park has ancient runestones that date back to sometime between the 6th and 8th centuries and are thought to have been inscribed by none other than the Vikings!! Yes! You read that right! Vikings! The largest of these runestones is a sandstone slab so big that a building has been constructed around it to protect it from the elements. Heavener Runestone Park is a beautiful place tucked away in the dense forest lands of East Oklahoma. The park itself has a beautifully constructed trail flanked by magnificent stonework that marks a 1/4 mile long trail leading down to the main attraction. It is quite a site to behold and we believe it to be well worth the trip if you find yourself in this area of Oklahoma. We stayed at nearby Lake Wister State Park and also have a seperate video documenting our stay there, so please be sure to check that video out, especially if you are an RV enthusiast!

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