USA what state of the Union threaten to leave the Union in 1973

4 years ago

USA what state of the Union threaten to leave the Union in 1973 because of Ro€ & Wad€ approved Ab0rt¡0n ?? None.

USA 1973 Ro€ & Wad€ approved Ab0rt¡0n and nobody complained, meaning everybody agreed, even Catholic priests, Protestant pastors, the faithful, everybody stayed quiet, accepting the satди¡с r¡т€ sдсг¡f¡с€ of the childr€n of G0d, the €x€cцт¡0и 0f the innocent. Well 48 y€ars 0f k¡||¿иg. Pun¡shm€ит 0и асс0м₽|¡с€ с0шагd Am€r¡сд is being served.

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