How Steve Scott Became A MultiMillionaire ft Blynda Lane - HowToBeHealedTV

3 years ago

How Steve Scott Became A MultiMillionaire ft Blynda Lane - Analyzing The Book The Richest Man That Ever Lived - From Broke To MultiMillionare

Steven K Scott was financially broke but became a millionaire but how did he do it?

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For more information about Steven Scott's book "The Richest Man That Ever Lived" visit:

Good Morning, Good People. How are you all doing out there. We are starting a new series. Where we are looking at people
and we're analyzing their lives and what they did to go from Poverty to Prosperity. From Rags to Riches. From Lack to Abundant Opulence by using Biblical Instructions to produce the outcome in other words using God's Methods to Prosper to fix the Situations and problems in their life today we'll be looking at Stephen Scott at how he went from being Broke to being a
MultiMillionaire by the end of this video. .

And I can tell you that this has been a Blessing to me and that
I have also put into play. I have implemented the things that he's saying in this video in the past and has definitely made a tremendous difference in my life and I believe it'll make a
tremendous difference in your life.

Hello and welcome to this TV special presentation I'm Belinda Lane I say it's a special presentation because Steven Scott is here to show us some rather remarkable biblical principles that
helped him go from a chronic job loser to a multimillionaire. He reveals it all in his best-selling book "The Richest Man Who Ever Lived." Steven welcome. Thank you for joining us.Okay so for the viewers that don't know you; you are a businessman who owns over a dozen companies. Actually more than a billion dollars in
sales; you have companies like The Total Gym, Max International American Telecast. You're just a very accomplished man but
yet that's not really how it started for you which is the reason why you wrote this book right. Give us some insight to how when you graduated college within that first six years you were out of
nine jobs:

Yeah lost nine jobs in six in 6 years. In fact when I talk to audiences I ask how many of you have lost nine jobs in six years and I've only had one hand go up out of tens of thousands of people in the
last 20 years but I couldn't succeed no matter how hard I tried Blynda. I I had a wife, a child, a mortgage payment I couldn't ever ever put money in savings. I'd usually hold a job for about maybe four or five months and one day Gary Smalley who was my best friend was visiting me from Chicago. I lived in Phoenix and I
said Gary I don't get it I'm not stupid my IQ is okay. I'm not lazy I'm first in last out at every job I work for. I understand my craft which is marketing but I just can't succeed and he said let me pray about it. I really appreciated that he didn't try to give me an answer just
shoot from the hip but the next morning he came and he said how would you like to be wiser than all your bosses and I was 26 years old and I said Yeah right. He said no there's something you can do
if you do it for two years in two years you'll be wiser than all your bosses and in five years you'll probably be a millionaire and that made me laugh because I was so broke I didn't even have grocery money. Some people in a Bible Study I taught had left groceries
on our doorstep that's the only reason Gary and I ate that day.

You had to be interested?

I said okay what do I do and he said there's 31 chapters in Proverbs. 31 days in the month. Every day read the chapter of the day with pencil and paper in hand and write down the wisdom and insights that you see and then begin to use those on at your work the very next day. So I started that and went through job number 6, 7 & 8 in the next year but on job number 9 which was 18 months later so I'd been through proverbs 18 times by that time because
you go through once a month and I had found 15 strategies and they were life changing. They were amazing and I started using them on that job and I was just a peon in that company. I was right at the very bottom rung of the ladder in the marketing department but using the strategies I learned from Proverbs I talked the CEO of the company into letting me do just one tiny little project.

Well that doubled the company sales from 30 million to 60 million in three months so with that I had a chance to start my own business with a friend. He had $5,000. I had the book of Proverbs and five months later our sales of our little tiny two-man company was a million dollars a week.

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