Week In Review 17 Jan to 23 January 2021

3 years ago

17 Jan to 23 Jan 2021
Amanda Gorman on unity https://youtu.be/2mTmTdOgv0M

Biden on unity https://youtu.be/OubSjXOz-dA

But Biden said nothing to his democratic party about impeaching a previous president as Nancy Pelosi rolls over her impeachment, arrived at without due process, to the senate. I showed in another video that Trump was not guilty https://rumble.com/vcrucj-kangaroo-congress.html But the impeachment is moving over to the senate https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/535380-trump-impeachment-article-being-sent-to-senate-monday?amp=

We’ll see if Sidney Powell Linn Wood Rudy Giuliani Peter Navarro and others get to present their case for the election. We’ll see IF THEY WILL DENY THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS and try make Trump, who is no longer president, and who should not be impeachable now, falsely unelectable. America IS watching. Here is a photo of the timeline https://thenationalpulse.com/analysis/the-insurrection-lie/ And we have various sources saying that there were provokers https://thenationalpulse.com/news/chat-logs-rally-plot-trump/

Biden has a 100 day mask mandate … well, ok … is this another “good for you but not for me” or “rules for the and not for me”

3 examples:
on Wednesday after the inauguration https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/21/joe-biden-maskless-federal-property-hours-signing-mask-mandate/ and I understand, it was a family photo https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/21/biden-family-violates-mask-mandate-for-photo-op-at-lincoln-memorial/
But then the next day, two days ago, on Thurday https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/01/21/joe-biden-caught-again-without-mask-on-federal-property-despite-own-mandate/

Cancel culture continues “the Times had cancelled Lauren Wolfe's contract” https://www.conservativereview.com/new-york-times-cancels-editors-contract-after-outrage-over-one-tweet-about-joe-biden-2650073032.html

As much as the legacy media was 90% negative on Trump they are ridiculously lavishly praising Joe Biden. I guess the New York Times wants to seem objective as they get targeted leaks to manipulate our opinions … as they have done for years now.

Pelosi and Fauci contradict each other on Vaccine implementation … who do you think is telling the truth? https://cnsnews.com/blog/craig-bannister/fauci-contradicts-pelosi-claim-trump-didnt-even-have-plan-vaccine-production

Canda’s Trudeau has good and bad to say after Biden cuts pipeline … it costs up to 60000 jobs between our 2 countries https://thepostmillennial.com/bidens-plan-to-cancel-the-keystone-xl-pipeline-will-mean-the-loss-of-60-000-anticipated-jobs
and //"Sadly, the Biden Administration has now put thousands of union workers out of work," wrote the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters// while we are in a pandemic and have a struggling artifically buttressed economy. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trudeau-will-confront-biden-keystone-xl-pipeline-canada-job-losses trudeau said "fight against climate change as a way of growing the economy."https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-trudeau-says-canadians-and-president-biden-share-values-on-fighting-against-climate-change

We have troop movement in Syria, now that Biden is inaugurated: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/just-like-good-old-days-joe-biden-invades-syria-convoy-us-troops-choppers-first-full-day-president/

Trump sets up office in Mar-a-Lago https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-young-guns-white-house-staffers-mar-a-lago-office Margo Martin, Nick Luna, Will Russell, Molly Michael, Cassidy Hutchinson

legend Hank Aaron passed on 2 weeks after getting covid shot https://noqreport.com/2021/01/22/mlb-legend-hank-aaron-dies-two-weeks-after-getting-covid-19-vaccine/

Larry King passed on https://twitter.com/kingsthings/status/1352960673978880000?s=20

tech companies spent a combined 61 million on lobbying (that we know about) in 2020, that’s facebook, google, amazon, apple, and microsoft https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/22/facebook-spent-more-on-lobbying-than-any-other-big-tech-company-in-2020.html But don’t forget that twitter facebook and google are near Nancy Pelosi’s district … see my video https://rumble.com/vd192z--9-posts-for-facexit-twitxit-and-don-winslow-propaganda-and-more.html

youtube deletes dislikes from Biden video https://archive.fo/9EZXQ and I got the link through revolver
bad language warning https://twitter.com/Cernovich/status/1352452971708092416?s=20

Here’s a blast from the recent past (from last May 2020)… Flynn couldn’t have lied about the sanctions because he didn’t bring up the sanctions https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/05/flynn-kislyak-transcripts-kislyak-brought-sanctions-russia-not-flynn-shows-flynn-set/

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