The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 56 - The Jesuits And Their Proxy Australian Government!

3 years ago

In video’s 42 A & B i described the infiltration and subversion of all nations. I neglected to mention Australia at that time. The reason is i had already written separately about Australia in a blog as this is a place dear to my heart. Having lived there for 46 years i felt the need to speak about it separately here in this video. Australia should be a leading world nation, an economic powerhouse and yet like Canada it has a trillion dollar and growing debt. How is this possible? Two of the wealthiest nations on the face of the Earth are becoming 3rd world countries! The Jesuits are dismembering them and bleeding them dry! Australia has been socially engineered so effectively that few question what its Masonic governments are doing. Most Australians actually believe elections are real and that things are getting better when everything points to the opposite.

The Australian Government Is Controlled By Jesuits!

All Politicians Are Masonic Puppets Controlled By Rome!

More Roman Catholics In Government Than Ever Before!

**** Pls Note Error: ALP designates Australian Labour Party NOT Australian Liberal Party!

Learn more at:



The Jesuit 4th oath

What is the Lima Declaration?

A Short history of the Jesuits in Australia

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