The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 53 - BEAST-COIN: Banking The Unbanked & Financial Servitude!

3 years ago

The concept of exchange value has changed remarkably over time. From bartering goods and services to purchasing with gold and silver to coins as currency to paper promissory notes to credit cards and finally to digital currency, the idea of exchanging value has gone from the use of tangible, material commodities to an intangible, ethereal object. This in itself wouldn't be cause for alarm IF the mechanisms for trading value were uncontrolled. However, in the real world everything is controlled by some form of bureaucracy and currencies aren't exempt. The control of money systems by a central authority is an ever present danger to human freedoms. Independent trading banks if they were possible would be the lesser of all evils but they don't exist today. When the Jesuits succeeded in covertly installing their first Vatican Central Bank in the USA in 1913 the whole world mechanism of trade was brought under their control and it was only a matter of time before they were able to install a central bank in every country. Under the United Nations the Jesuits through the 20th century have been able to covertly control all money markets through an umbrella of corporate control. Today, the Jesuit bankers are working on the final stage of that control and that is to remove all material currency mechanisms and make everyone dependent on DIGITAL or "E" money. When cash and coins are gone so is the financial freedom of all peoples everywhere. The final step is the implementation of the AI "Block-Chain" and crypto currencies which is occurring now. When this process is complete cash will disappear and all men will be slaves to a "centralized" digital money system. Only those who have pledged allegiance to the final world dictator or Papal "Antichrist will be allowed access to this system in order to "buy" and "sell." This was all prophesied 2000 years ago in the book of Revelation chapters 13 & 17.

The JESUIT-VATICAN Crypto Currency Trap!

BEAST-COIN: Banking The Unbanked & Financial Servitude!

The End Of Cash Is The End Of Human Financial Freedom!

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