23/01/21 Today, on this day, our Church is in celebration.

4 years ago

Today, on this day, our Church is in celebration. We are all united in the living communion of hearts to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Maria Giuseppina Norcia, who gave life to the "Mystery of the Child Jesus", giving her whole life for the Treasure of God. Not a material treasure, but a spiritual treasure, the Treasure of Love that God, in His infinite mercy, has given to humanity. Mary is She who has been called by the Father to welcome in her heart the Child Jesus, descended from Heaven, where now stands the "Little Cradle", near an olive tree, symbol of peace. Also in this sign, the Father once again made us understand that only by opening the heart, accepting the Son of God and putting His teachings into practice, there is and there can be peace, true peace, in which every Christian, every man and woman of good will must desire, seek and conquer, as she did during her life. Mary immediately welcomed the Son of God into her heart. The living Spirit of the Son of God, entered into her heart, making sure that that heart of Woman would transmit in the hearts of many the Love for Jesus, for His teachings, for the Commandments of the Father. Thanks to the heart of this woman, many have once again savored the taste and the desire to live a healthy Christianity, reborn again to new life, from Above, thanks to the living action of the Spirit that the Father sent in this Land of Love, to manifest His living presence in this humanity.Nothing has been easy in the life of this Maiden of God. In her earthly journey She has incarnated and put into practice the teachings of Jesus, His words, taking on Herself her cross to follow the Son of, so that the Love of the Lord might bring, in the heart of many, fruit, fruit, fruit; not appearance. This Jesus said to Her Heart and this is what She has transmitted to us with Her life, from heart to heart. With vivid intensity, with ardent spirituality and with profound sacrifice She has carried out her mission, loading herself with burdens, mortifications, to lighten the cross of many. This was Her mission, received and lived for the Love of Her Lord. "Do of me as you wish. Thy will be done ". This was Her humble and lively prayer, transmitted to all, so that many, stripping themselves of their humanity, could love the Lord, allowing themselves to be clothed with the divinity of the Savior who, having come down from Heaven, has penetrated Her Heart, to be transmitted and received into the hearts of many. The Father revealed all to Her heart, all. In due time everything has been realized and everything will be realized. Many are those and have been those who have not accepted Her Life, Her living the mission; the fulfillment of the New Jerusalem that the Father had revealed to Her. Many were the attacks and the humiliations suffered by Her Heart, internal and external, perpetrated especially by those who now would have you believe otherwise, saying that before it was one thing and now it is another. To question the present one must not believe in the past and does not want to believe in the future. Or all or nothing. Too convenient now wanting to try, for own purposes, to make divisions between the present, the past and the future. God's plan of salvation is unique.
It all started so that everything will be brought to completion. I am a living witness of what the Father has revealed to Her. Everything was in Her heart. And all She has confided to my heart, so that everything that has begun is brought to fulfillment.

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