The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 44A - The Jesuits Sank The Titanic Death Ship!

4 years ago

The sinking of the Titanic is legendary. The results are beyond comprehension. The official narrative continues to push the sinking as an "accident." Close scrutiny of the facts reveal otherwise. There is little doubt that the Titanic was sunk deliberately. The question anyone would ask is, why? When all the facts are examined only one conclusion remains ... money! The ship was sunk in order to kill opposition to the implementation of a central bank in the USA. The Jesuit Military Order of Rome through their Masonic bankers and captains of business facilitated the murder of many wealthy people including John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isador Straus who opposed the "Money Trust" cartel in New York. One year after the sinking of the Titanic the Federal Reserve System bill was presented for approval for the last time to US Congress. It was signed into law covertly on December 23, 1913 by a small group of cabal insiders and rubber stamped by Woodrow Wilson. With this one act the economic fate and enslavement of mankind was sealed. The Jesuits have plunged every nation into debt through Vatican Central banks and control world markets with the "Greenback." Soon all will be forced to accept a "digital" money system and the slavery will be complete. Without the Titanic the inevitable may have been delayed for some time. Now time is running out and freedom is slipping away for all!

The Jesuit Military Order Sank The TITANIC "Death Ship!"

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Learn more at:


Francis Browne - The Missing Photographs


The Creature From Jekyll Island - G Edward Griffin


William James Pirrie


Did Titanic or Olympic Sink?


Secrets Of The Titanic - National Geographic Documentary 1986


Titanic: Secrets Revealed

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