The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 39B - The Luciferian Mindset Creates Satanic Art

4 years ago

Art is equated to "Magic" or "Spell" casting to Luciferians and has a very significant part to play in the indoctrination of the masses into the Satanic reality worldwide. The Jesuits control the art world and use it to create a false reality in the minds of viewers/participants. By controlling art and culture the Jesuits can condition people through predictive programming in every avenue of the arts thus normalising Satanic behaviour and preparing the world to openly accept their one world Beast Empire and its final Anti Christ dictator.

The Luciferian Mindset Produces corrupt Satanic Art!

Artists who wish to achieve fame must submit to the Luciferian cultural agenda for success.

The Jesuit Vatican Masonic Business Empire Controls the Art World just as it controls all other spheres of human endeavour.

Learn more at:

Gustav Metzger


The Jesuits boast about their contribution to art!


Picasso: Creator And Destroyer


The Jesuit "Trojan Horse" Infiltration Of World Education!

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