The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 36 - The 1825 Jesuit World Control Plot, Devised At Chieri, Italy

3 years ago

The Jesuit elite gathered together secretly in Chieri, Italy in 1825 to devise a plot for world control. The 10 points laid out in the plot targeted Protestantism and the Bible and their destruction. Ten generations have come and gone and the goals laid out in the Chieri plot have been accomplished. Protestantism is breathing its last breath, the 1611 King James Bible has been buried by 900 corrupt Bible translations and the masses have been totally indoctrinated by Luciferian education. Looking back we see a river of blood and unimaginable human carnage all propagated by the Jesuit Military Order for the purpose of destroying and re-engineering whole countries socially. In less than 200 years the Jesuits have fast tracked the world to the edge of the "Abyss" and the total enslavement of mankind. This is the terrible consequence of abandoning the Word Of God and obeying his commands.

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