Part 3 of 21 - Overview of the World System of Bondage

3 years ago

The beneficiary of the decedent estate is called a Cestui Que Trust (notice the absence of the word “Vie”, which denotes life or living status) because the estate that holds property in the franchise/decedent estate NAME is in fact a corporate sub-division of the UNITED STATES and the limited beneficial use of that property is vested in a Cestui Que Trust.

Learn more in this comprehensive presentation explaining how the world system is constructed to place all of humanity into perpetual bondage. It integrates many threads of law, history, esoteric symbolism and monetary system into a whole cloth that provides a clear understanding of the system as well as how to remove oneself from its binding structures.

A complete PDF version with active links to supporting and source materials is available on the home page of our website.

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