The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 29 - The Jesuit Fake Democracy Circus And Masonic Political Theatre

4 years ago

Democracy is a strange term that has been bandied around for the last 2500 years but has only been practiced in the Modern Era for the last 400 years in various forms in both Europe and Nth America. The Jesuits through their Counter Reformation worked hard to wage war against its inception and failing that to infiltrate the government and take control of the electoral process. In 1933 the Jesuits took control of the US government and instituted military rule. All elections from that time worldwide have been for the purpose of creating Public Theatre - a social performance in which all could participate but which was in fact a hoax. All leaders are pre selected by the Jesuits, not elected by the people. Voting is pure deception. Freedom is an illusion in the mind of the people. In reality democracy, freedom and choice don't exist - only as mental constructs. Democracy and freedom is the "Masterpiece" of Jesuitical sorcery and magic! All smoke and mirrors! People are slaves and controlled, all the while thinking they are autonomous free agents in charge of their own destiny.

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