Wh@ts Trending LIVE! - Happy Hour w/ @JuiceGiorgio & Donnie G

4 years ago

Join @JuiceGiorgio & Donnie G as they tackle whats trending!

* Big tech protecting Biden
* YouTube removing down votes from whitehouse channel
* 3k upvotes 29k downvotes
* Impeachment!!
* Gina Carano getting erased out of mandalorian ad
* Godzilla vs King Kong trailer
* National guard sleeping in parking garage
* Deplatforming continues (theDonald.win)
* Executive orders
* Keystone pipeline
* Fracking
* Boys in girls bathrooms
* Contrast in DC and Florida on Wednesday
* Cryin chuck says trump caused huge erection
* Obama on Colbert said he wishes he could have a “third term” with a front man in Oval Office with ear piece while he “controls everything from his basement in sweats”
* NFL “lack of diversity” in GM and coach hiring
* Diversity = Not white
* New Superman show
* New trump party?

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