The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 26 - The Jesuits And Their Masonic World Crime Network

4 years ago

Jesuitism and Freemasonry are 2 sides of the same ancient pagan satanic religion. Roman Catholicism is just Roman pagan religion dressed up with symbols and rituals to appear as legitimate Christianity. From the 2nd Century as Caesarian Rome began to crumble it gradually morphed into a religious organisation with political power. For 1800 years this Roman monster has been conquering all peoples using sovereign powers faithful to the Pope as its military "swords." Since 1540 the jesuit Military Order has been waging war against the Protestant Reformation, which freed the world from 1000 years of spiritual darkness and destitution. Organising the secret societies under Freemasonry the Jesuits took control of it by 1814 and used it to infiltrate every instrument of power worldwide. The Jesuits and Freemasons together constitute the Synagogue Of Satan!

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