4 years ago

While Americans who’ve invested way too much energy in an openly rigged political system cling to the mirage of that system’s legitimacy the way that WWE fans justify their preferred form of entertainment, there are signs that some in Europe are beginning to get a sense of how to deal with power-mad tyrant-wannabees masquerading as champions of the people and democracy.In a series of articles posted last week – three of which I will post links to in the notes section – we learn that 50,000 business owners in Italy plant simply and openly defy lockdown orders that are coming down from on high.

Yeah, that’s right, these Italian business owners have had enough and, in response to government orders to shut down, are responding by telling said government to go play in the traffic.

Imagine that.

Just saying no.

Listening to a destructive, elite-serving, peasant-crushing declaration from a globalist government and responding with a loud and clear NO.

Let’s hope that 50,000 or maybe 500,000 or 5,000,000 American business owners get the same backbone and spirit that has taken root in Italy.
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Three article links mentioned:




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