4 years ago

Words from my friend Gerald:

If you have not yet seen or heard about this, please take some time to read this great news about our Constitution and the steps that are being taken to save and strengthen it. If you support the Socialist or Progressive agenda, stop reading right now because this message will cause you to get upset and want to lash out.
PRESIDENT Trump (yes, he is still my president) and his team of true patriots have been putting the pieces for this in place since he took office 4 years ago. Wednesday was a very difficult day for all of us without doubt. But this document is a reminder of what God continually reminds us... that we should trust Him... we ARE a nation under God and He never forsakes His children. He IS working ALL THINGS for good.
Now read this and prepare to go into the weekend celebrating and praising with me. If it is easier, watch the video as it describes this as well (but still come back and read the document for yourself and look into it).

There are still some bumps ahead, but hope is eternal my brothers and sisters and fellow committed patriots. YES, we remember our oath to the constitution and it was MORE THAN just words. It was to me (even though I didn't fully understand the weight of it when I first took it as a 17-year-old enlistee). Now I fully understand and am committed.
In the end, evil never wins. Truth and Justice prevail in God's kingdom and His children rejoice.

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