The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 21 - The Jesuits: Authors Of The Fake Endless War On Terrorism

3 years ago

In order to achieve their objective of world rule, the Jesuits have been instigating a never ending campaign of violence and terror around the world. Assassinations, revolutions, genocides and wars are carried out through PROXY agents to get the results they want. The Jesuit's motto is, "The End Justifies The Means." This means they will do whatever it takes to put into place their systems of control over the peoples of the Earth. Terror attacks work perfectly because they can provoke a reaction and then bring in their solution to the problem they caused. It's brilliant and deceives the people all the time. The Jesuits use the Hegelian Dialectic of problem/reaction/solution to Force Change and thereby dispose of enemies and socially engineer the masses. ALL terrorism is Jesuit instigated terrorism whether fatal or fake. Today after 500 years of Jesuit terrorist operations we live in a paradigm of endless war on a faceless enemy which we discover is US ... all of humanity! The Jesuits of Rome have almost completed their One World Order!

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