The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 20 - The Jesuits And The Luciferian "Conformation" Of Human Minds

4 years ago

What we are witnessing today is the almost complete "CONFORMATION" of human minds to Luciferian ideology and practice. People are spiritually blind and believe all is well and everyone's going to heaven. Material prosperity is the number 1 goal for most and drives people to obtain more than what they need. The Jesuits have set up a system that has people chasing "idols" of every description. God has been usurped by useless idols. With the idolatry comes gross sin and depravity as people abandon God's Laws and embrace humanistic New Age agenda thus provoking God to anger. The Luciferian mind is conformed to Satan and the satanic system for the gratification of fleshly desires and "self." The godly mind has been transformed to obey God's commands and to do what is "right" and "good" regardless of the personal cost. God is at the centre!

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