President Biden, his powerlessness and the Law of Attraction

4 years ago

"No one is more powerful over your life experience than you are."

The more the MSM and Biden go after "Trump supporters" as if they're radical right-wingers, in an extreme form of prejudice, the more they create that which they fear. The people in DC are actually afraid. I did talk about how the government as an egregore fears in this article:

When you focus on what you fear or hate it gets larger and more noticeable. This is why we can all mind our own business and not worry about what they're doing in Washington DC. If something affects you in your home town, you can take personal responsibility and do something about your personal reality. But there's no need to sit reading or listening to news in fear of what Biden is doing. It's a much better use of your time to work on your emotional traumas, and triggers, and spiritual healing right now.

In this video I discuss how it is very clear that the people in DC, including Biden, are trying to enact laws and mandates to "solve" their "problem" because they don't believe they have the power to do it (without a show of force) from a spiritual perspective.

If someone tries to take power away from another through things like censoring them and taking away their job or banking account (like banks did to Trump), it is because they are afraid and are feeling powerless themselves. They're trying to take through force instead.

Feeling powerful is in an inside job. Once you feel powerful, you won't feel like you need to take power away from someone else. If you see someone trying to take power from someone else, you can remember this and see how that person feels powerless and they will continue to see themselves as powerless and attract more things in their life that seem to show them that they are still powerless.

According to the ABC's of cognitive behavioral therapy if you have a positive belief about something, you will have the consequence of positive emotions. If you believe that everything is working out and you don't have to get emotionally involved in the drama, you don't, and you can focus on living a positive life and be happy. If you are happy, you have the advantage.

Also check out The Happiness Advantage: How a Positive Brain Fuels Success in Work and Life

Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne

The Science of Well-Being (Free Yale Online Course)

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