Police Stop LEGAL Protest in Mississauga With A Knife

4 years ago

Protesting is something that you are legally allowed to do at any time especially when you are peaceful. Regrettably, police resources are being used improperly to stop protesters from displaying simple messages.

A group of Canadians got together with me and we hoisted a pair of banners up with the appropriate message.

The police knew that we were there before we even got there and partway through our protest, three officers came by and cut the banners down using a knife which I have never seen a police officer do.

No, we were not threatened with a knife, but it's still attach extreme to go that route instead of asking us politely to take them down. Typically police have given me the courtesy of asking me to do something as opposed to just doing it with a knife in their hands possibly destroying property that the city would then later be on the hook for. However, as I've told you all before, I don't give the police difficult time and I don't get angry I just move on to the next location for a protest.

Here is the video over top of the Queen Elizabeth way, highway that connects Toronto to the American border in Buffalo.

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