GREAT AWAKENING cosmic rays evolution of the light body

4 years ago

GREAT AWAKENING cosmic rays evolution of the light body
This is the day of the light and all negative emotions of fear, distrust and confusion are part of the duality of the mind-brain and it's negation of the oneness with heart centred wisdom and memory. The secret war of the Black Alliance has been using the intellectual mind to create diversions from truth which has caused a displacement of purpose and the infection of the obscuration. The wordless, timeless and simple pure connections to vital things bring the connection to the heart. Feel yourself connected at your heart and release the flow of love that comes your way, so that you may give, and give again and receive and give again. The silent truth of knowing your own heart may release what comes to you and you may become a channel and a Wayshower of the higher sensations. Have faith in knowing your own soul's wish to be this channel of purity and the central presence in all things
"goldring enlightenment rysa5" wayshowers "family of light" teachers, matrix, infinity, pleaidian, arcturian, andromedan, draconian, reptillian, black alliance, chaos, war, peace, truth, law, apocalypse, premieres, enlightenment, game, abundance, angels, golden sun, blue sun

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