Wake Up This Is Communism

4 years ago

Ever since Lenin and his Bolsheviks obtained power, they forced communism on the Russian population. People lost the rights to their property and their personal freedom, both of which became the property of the state. They were commanded by planners, administrators and bureaucrats as to what they could and could not do. In the absence of personal incentives, the Soviet economy went downhill rapidly.

The people who communism claimed to free from the yoke of the bourgeoisie lived in constant fear of the secret police and their informants and were blamed and accused of insubordination and either jailed, exiled or executed.

In the USSR alone it is estimated that between twenty and sixty million people died of starvation, or were executed.
The reason we should remember how Marxist and Stalinist goal of communism affected ordinary people is they are being offered a choice to vote for it again. In the UK, hard-line Marxist-Leninist control the main opposition party, and from what one can see from the Eastern side of the Atlantic, various Democratic Party contenders for the presidency are offering a softer version of the same socialist creed to their supporters.
It’s taken a while, but it looks like the Communists managed to not only infiltrate, but cross off almost every one of the goals on their list that was entered into the Congressional Record in 1963, and then some.

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