The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 16A - Luciferian "Globe" Earth Lies And Flat Earth Truth

4 years ago

The greatest deception ever perpetrated against mankind is the shift in perception by humanity from a motionless Flat Earth understanding of the Earth as Central to creation with heavenly bodies circling it, to a false Luciferian "Ball" Earth hurtling through infinite space and orbiting the sun along with a host of other planets. Geo-centrism has a Creator GOD who is the source of all things but Helio-centrism is based on "magic" and illusion and rooted in pagan sorcery and deception. All indigenous cultures worldwide have a Flat earth cosmology and a Great Flood narrative. That fact by itself refutes the possibility of a spinning Ball Earth, gravity, the vacuum of space and an infinite universe. What we see today is nothing more than a false reality foisted on humanity by evil pagan "sun" worshippers who hate God and his creation!

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