Dad’s 60’s hotrod show, a tribute to the original amateur hot rodders of America

4 years ago

When Dad passed on, he left a lot of old pictures, slides and old negatives in boxes. Things I’d never seen before from a time when I didn’t yet exist. Going through the archives, I see a different man I knew, I found a young car buff a kid still in high school doing body work and trying to make a hot rod out of whatever he could get his hands on. Then, as he gets older, finds the girl of his dreams, and settled down with a family, it’s very interesting to see how his cars change. I put this slide show together to show you a simple man, his love affair with cars, and how things change over time..
I kept the pictures as raw and natural as I could so you could get the feel of going through an old photo album. I was going to label each car and give descriptions, but I thought that leaving mysteries in the slideshow made it more interesting. Kind of like the way I found the pictures myself.

Thank you Dad, for your fascination with cars. It carried on through my life and the lives of my siblings, and amplified through the lives of all of our offspring. All of my kids, nieces and nephews are car fanatics making a living in some way from the good old automobile. You passed before really knowing any of your grandchildren, you never had the chance to directly influence them.
Thanks Dad, if you only knew what you started.
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For Music:
Fast Surf Rock cinematic_Alex 1:24
Boogie Groove SunChannelMusic 1:12
Drag Race Track Tribe 1:34 (youtube music library)
Black Jeans Simming 3:06
Mr Dynamite soundroll_music 2:34
Gaiety in the golden age Aaron Kenny 1:59 (youtube music library)

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