Killing the Beast -- Notice How They Did It January 21, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

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Killing the Beast -- Notice How They Did It January 21, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Under Roman Civil Law, which is what the City of Rome, the City of New York, the Inner City of London, the Municipality of Washington, DC, and various other entities run under, it's okay to lie, cheat, steal, deceive, and con ---- so long as you don't get caught. Then, if you get caught, all bets are off.

So the Municipal Government, operating as a Municipal Corporation, was used to do the actual dirty work, under the idea that it was okay for them to do it; after all, as long as they didn't get caught, it was perfectly "legal" under Roman Civil Law for them to commit crimes of fraud and deceit.

Thus, it's the Municipal Government that pulls off the Corporations Act of 1870, and it's the Territorial Government making use of that prior felony to promote the Act of 1871 boondoggle. They work hand-in-glove.

This same relationship can be observed in operation throughout the Great Fraud. The Municipal Government which is part of the Holy Roman Empire lays the groundwork, and the Brits are the users and implementers of what the HRE constructs.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaims all Municipal "citizens of the United States" to be slaves of the Municipal Theocracy in his First Inaugural Address and claims that it is a "Holy Cause" to enslave them. The British Territorial Government then greases the wheels by accidentally-on-purpose misidentifying millions of Americans as Municipal citizens of the United States---and latching onto them as runaway slaves.

What was illegal for the British Government was legal for the Pope, so they colluded together. The Pope was allowed to enslave, and the Brits were allowed to profit from it, by "selling" Americans to the Pope, and all because of the loopholes available under the Roman Civil Law.

This ability of the Municipal Government to get away with crimes thanks to adopting the Roman Civil Law, is what leads to the pernicious relationship between the Popes, the Kings and Queens, and the Lord Mayor of London.

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