What You Don't See Coming ~ Pick A Card

3 years ago

Today's Tarot and Oracle Reading is "What You Don't See Coming," or " What Does the Universe Want You To Know That You Don't Expect? and some guidance to help you along the way.

This Pick a Card reading is timeless. Time is not linear and is more fluid than our usual understanding therefore if you discover this reading then there may be a message here for you. Use your intuition to guide you.

Take a moment to take a deep breath in, hold it, and release. What stack draws your attention and pulls you In? Does a certain number in particular call out to you?

If you don't resonate with one stack, feel free to pick again or to even pick multiple stacks if there is more than one pile you feel drawn to.

If these messages don’t resonate with you, be at peace and I hope you find one that does.

This was an unusual read for me. Almost immediately I was getting three separate messages for Deck 1. So, deck 1 was split into 3 piles. We now have 5 readings instead of 3.

Time Stamps:
Deck 1, Pile 1 - 3:08
Deck 1, Pile 2 - 13:05
Deck 1, Pile 3 - 21:51
Deck 2 - 31:25
Deck 3 - 38:05

Decks Used In today's Reading:

Deck 1 - Deck One – Aquatic Tarot by Andreas Schroter

Deck 2 - Tarot Power Deck by J.F. Lambert and Seth Stephens

Deck 3 - Court Games Tarot by Dark Tarot (Used with permission)

Zenned Out Mini Oracle by Cassie at Zenned Out

Word Advice Cards by Suzanne

Hello, my name is Suzanne. This channel is dedicated to bringing you intuitive tarot readings, Lenormand readings, and oracle readings. I usually use several different decks in the same readings. Some of these decks I have purchased, some I have downloaded from the internet, and some are of my own creation. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Thank You so much for all the love and support! I really appreciate you all, and I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to connect with all of you who are resonating with my channel. THANK YOU!!!

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These readings aim to give you pointers to help you along your journey. These are general reading. So, if some of the messages don't resonate with you, don't worry, that's normal. Take with you what works and ignore the rest. You are welcome to try another pile, video or another reader. There are lots of talented readers here on YouTube. Remember to use the information offered responsibly. Ultimately, you must always use your own judgment, wisdom and discrimination when making life decisions. The cards don’t have control over your life and what happens. It is up to the individual not the cards or the reader that create outcomes you have the power in your life to change your own circumstances. You have your free will, & your own intuition. You do not need to be a victim of circumstances. YOU AND YOU ALONE ARE IN CHARGE OF YOUR LIFE AND YOUR CHOICES.

It is a legal requirement that we include a legal disclaimer on this site. In accordance with the law in several countries, we must point out that all tarot/oracle readings given here are for entertainment purposes only. A Reading does not replace Professional Medical/Financial/Legal/Business Opinions and Advice. IF YOU ARE IN ANY NEED OF MEDICAL ADVICE OR ATTENTION PLEASE SEEK OUT THE PROPER PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OR ATTENTION OF MEDICALLY LICENSED TRAINED DR'S/PROFESSIONALS. No guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of the reading. Tarot/Oracle Reading is subject to interpretation and should not be taken as Absolute. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. Neither I or the readings will force you to follow a particular course of action, or attempt to exert any form of control over your Free-Will and Common Sense. The contents of a Reading are not legally binding. Any Decisions made, or Actions taken by you as a result of your reading(s) are your sole Responsibility and have not been Forced Upon You, by me, the Reader. I assume no legal liability for any damages, losses, or other consequences of any client decisions, subsequent to, or based on, my readings. Please use your own Common Sense and Judgment at all times. By watching the video you are agreeing with the Complete Understanding and Acceptance of the above.

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