About "Q" January 21, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

4 years ago

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About "Q" January 21, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz

Those of you who have been paying close attention for the last couple years already know what I said about "Q" and all other such operations, too.
I told everyone very bluntly that if people don't show their faces, I take no account of them.
I put all such "intel" in the same category as gossip and go right on sailing. That's what I've advised you all to do, too.
As my Mother used to say, "Talk is cheap. It takes money to buy whiskey."
Now that we have reviewed that point, let's review what I and my team members have actually encouraged you to believe in.
We have encouraged you to believe in you, yourself, and your ability to change the world and control your government.
We have observed that all those bureaucrats are in fact your employees, and that they have contracts called "Constitutions" --- and that it is our role as employers to enforce the Constitutions.
We have explained the identity theft and impersonation scheme that has led to you being deprived of your constitutional guarantees, and which has created the opportunity for your own employees to defraud you.
We have taught you how to overcome those disabilities.
We have called you to take action in your own behalf and in behalf of your States of the Union, by joining together with other Americans to bring your State Assemblies into Session.
We have given you the means to operate your own lawful government again, and all you have to do is---- do it.
It's not easy. It's not sexy. It has no hidden corridors, no creep show thrills. No smoke. No mirrors. No fancy emblems. No resurrections from the dead.
What we have encouraged you to take part in is supremely practical, lawful, peaceful, and once you are clearly identified as Americans, you have every right to self-govern. It's not even controversial.
So, compared to the quasi-military, drama-driven thrills of "Q" we are no doubt B-O-R-I-N-G, but, on the other hand, we are actual, factual, and verifiable.
Contrary to "Q" and all the literally hundreds of other broadcast intel websites out there that have encouraged you to sit on your duffs and wait for the military or for some unknown White Hats to save you, we have encouraged you to join together to save yourselves and save your country from the ravages of your own misdirected and criminally-inclined employees.
What a concept.
There is one other vital thing that sets us and our efforts apart from any other effort or movement or patriot group out there.
We are the actual American government---- of, for, and by the people.
Notice who is doing all this work? Average Americans. Not public employees.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2021/01/about-q.html

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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