The Denice Gary Show 1 21

3 years ago

A man who will NEVER put Americans first, a true globalist, President Biden in an inauguration speech, full of meaningless platitudes, highlighted his desire for "unity." We now know he has no intention of unifying the nation.
As the Divider and Chief, Biden pointed out in a tweet this morning, less than 24 hours from his inauguration, that he had accomplished the following:
- Control the pandemic
- Provide economic relief
- Tackle climate change
- Advance racial equity
Hear my analysis on Biden's so-called accomplishments on Day One. Learn how they further divide the American people.
For example, on economic relief, this means making illegal aliens a priority over American citizens to Biden. The coronavirus and Democrat-run state governments have imposed uneven nonsensical lockdowns which have left millions of Americans unemployed and small businesses shut down. Biden's national priority should be to get Americans back to work. Instead, the first legislative priority is not aimed at lowering unemployment for Americans or reopening our economy, but a radical immigration bill granting citizenship to millions of illegal aliens who will want and need jobs - American jobs. Duped Democrats voter for more failure and economic hardship for the American people.
Not only does Biden's policy choice undermine the rule of law and encourage more illegal immigration, it tells our fellow Americans their hardships are not the nation’s top priority. This does not reflect President Trump's America First policy choices.
2. Advance racial equity. It became clear in Biden's inauguration speech that his administration will focus on "domestic terrorists" not Islamic terrorists, but "white supremacist terrorists." Since the vast majority of Americans are opposed to "white supremacy" it felt strange that the new President chose to focus on race and tribalism.
For Democrats the "white supremacists" of the 21st century represent anyone who disagrees with their progressive agenda. Example, if you support the wall along the southern border of the United States you are a white supremacist. According to the Left, you should not want to protect American jobs, prevent human traffickers, drug cartels, and Islamic terrorists posing as Latin Americans, get through to the United States - if you want the wall - you are a racist. And if you do not support Marxist revolutionary groups like #BLM whose stated mission is to destroy the family unit, capitalism, and democracy or #Antifa who claim to be anti-facist while their violent actions and statements reflect facism, you are a white supremacist.
Many Republicans and Trump supporters believe that #AMERICANS should come first. Trump voters voted for President Trump because he made his conservative agenda clear to the American people and then kept his promises. Americans said, "promises made, promises kept," and voted for Trump a second time. Trump delivered results that reflect our Judeo-Christians values as a people. Democrats voted for a personality and a man who fails to honor our national, traditional values.
A headline from the Daily Beast reads: “Can U.S. Spy Agencies Stop White Terror?” Daily Beast’s Jeff Stein in his article under this headline concludes that a call for “secret police” to sniff out “extremist” Americans “may well get renewed attention.” Guess who the "extremists" are? Trump voters i.e., conservatives.
Anyone who does not agree ideologically with the Left will be a target under the Biden-Harris administration. The #Democratic Party is a party that demands power and control, which is why Democrats embraced slavery and now embrace the dependency of those Americans who rely on the welfare state and government largesse.
Hear and learn more.

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