Vision in Shushan Susan Joy Dahl 01012001 1121 Ben Son 113 Lord 23 I AM 203 Hadassah Palace

3 years ago

Dearly Beloved in the LORD and all those who dwell on the earth,

The LORD spoke to me and showed me a vision while I was looking into a mirror on 1/1/2001 and it has been an ongoing Word vision ever since that point in time. The LORD has prepared me to speak and to bring a message of repentance because the Spirit and the bride say Come! He comes quickly to take her away to be with Him in Paradise. She invites her guests to the wedding feast and the table that He has prepared for His beloved ones.

The vision has been fulfilled in part but the fulness is yet to be manifested by and through His Holy Spirit working through it for the deliverance and salvation of a multitude to be caught up (harpazo) and brought to His throne. Read Rev 12: 1-5 a woman clothed with the sun who delivers her children to the LORD. The vision has been proven as a true message throughout the Word of God.

[Pro 7:4 KJV] 4 Say unto wisdom, Thou [art] my sister; and call understanding [thy] kinswoman:

The hour is late and the time is short. The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Repent and be wise by cleaning yourself out of any impurities to be filled with the oil of His Spirit to live with Him forever in the place He has prepared for those who love and obey His commands.

God Bless You and Shalom,

Susan Joy Dahl

Songs and teaching videos are on Rumble, YouTube, and Vimeo for praise and worship of our King, the LORD JESUS Christ, Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

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