Joe Biden's first day in office shows just how immoral the Democrat platform truly is

4 years ago

Joe Biden's executive orders on Day #1 is proof at just how far America has fallen with his presidency. We've been warning for years just how God-less the Democrat platform is, and now we can see it plain as day. During this episode of Let's Talk Right Now, we take a look at all of Joe Biden's Executive orders that he signed on his first day in office, we can confirm that he is implementing a radical agenda that is fundamentally transforming America from a nation of freedom, liberty and opportunity for all to one focused on Globalism, Socialism and Intersectionality.

For being the "Party of Science," Joe Biden's administration is rejecting science for Critical Race Theory, Transgenderism and Pro-Abortion policies. It's almost like we are living in two different realities. The Democrats are living in a "choose your own adventure" reality of moral relativism, while Conservatives are living in a world rooted in science, fact and truth. These completely opposite worldviews make it virtually impossible to reconcile together.

During the Alleged-President Joe Biden's inaugural speech, he claimed that he was going to be a president for all Americans, whether they voted for him or not. Unfortunately, his executive orders proved that was a lie. He endangered our lives by lifting President Trump's travel ban from some of the world's most dangerous countries that have rampant Islamic terrorist organizations, as well as opening up our border and giving power back to the Cartels to funnel drugs and profit off of sex trafficking, among many other violent crimes. He denied science by re-entering the Paris accords, as well as rolling back some of the abortion restrictions that President Trump had implemented. Time and time again, he's showing the world that he's catering to the extreme fringes of the Democrat Party, fundamentally destroying America, limb by limb.

As Conservatives, we cannot just sit back and tolerate this. We must be vocal. We must be strategic. We must push back with the truth in each of these immoral policies implemented by the alleged president and his Democrat Party. Now is not the time to disengage.

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