Christmas at the Muskogee Castle

4 years ago

How much water is in a camel's hump? On today's episode of the Only in OK Show, we discuss Christmas at the Muskogee Castle in Muskogee, OK. The Castle of Muskogee is a multipurpose fairground in Oklahoma located in Muskogee. When Santa heads back north, the castle runs The Oklahoma Renaissance Festival from late April to Memorial Day weekend. Muskogee is a city on the Arkansas River and is home to the Five Civilized Tribes Museum, which traces local Native American history. Check out our sponsor for this episode - Master Threads #TravelOK #onlyinokshow #Oklahoma #MadeinOklahoma #oklaproud #BetterTogether #SupportLocalEverything #positivenews #itunes #podcast #okherewego #traveloklahoma #santa #muskogee #christmas #camels

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