How to overcome fear of rejection - How to stop fear and insecurity

4 years ago

Our biggest need is our need for love and in this video we’re learning how to overcome the fear of rejection – our biggest fear, so that we can love and feel loved!

Fear is not only uncomfortable and unpleasant to live with, but it also limits us and it affects our ability to both receive and express love in healthy ways. Jesus tells us in 1 John 4:18: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.

I dealt with many different types of fear in my life, and the fear of rejection was one of them. The consequence of leaving this fear “unattended” in my life is that I became a people-pleaser. I cared more about being who other people thought I should be, and not upsetting them, that I didn’t even know who I was. Whenever I interacted with others, I was at their mercy because I had no emotional skills of my own to process the interaction and move on. My fears were telling me, “If you don’t please them, they’ll hurt you and show you you’re not good enough after all.”

Jesus completely understands fear of rejection because He dealt with a lot of rejection during his lifetime. So when we go to Him and He tells us to not be afraid because what can people do to us when God is with us – He can relate to exactly what we’re going through. Fear not is not a rule given by a distant God who has no clue what it’s like to be us. It’s God knowing we are His child, under His Protection, telling us to trust in Him, not other people – because everything we have comes from Him! Let’s learn how to overcome the fear of rejection and be free in Jesus!

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