Dr. Fauci - “Even After Taking “V” You Must Continue To Wear Mask & Social Distance Forever”

4 years ago

The powers that be will drag this on as long as they want. They will stop at NOTHING to achieve their end game. It ends when you/we stand up and finally stop it.

This PLANdemic was created in a lab not a 'wet market'. This is a BIO weapon for human depopulation and to usher in total control of humanity. This is not about our safety, it's about control.

Bill Gates and many other elites have openly said on camera that the agenda is to reduce the population through vaccines. Look it up or check out the other videos on this channel. They don't hide their agenda..

Heck the global elites have it even written on the Georgia Guide Stones for all of to see. "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature" and "Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature."

It's time to wake up people. Satan is the ruler of this earth and the people of this earth follow and worship him. This is all for the New World Order 'Great Reset" agenda.

"That even if you are vaccinated, it is recommended that you follow the public health recommendations of wearing a mask, staying distance, avoiding congregate settings and crowds and washing your hands often for a number of reasons one you may not be fully protected yourself
and two the vaccine could prevent you from getting clinical disease but not necessarily protect you against getting infected, so you can get infected and have absolutely no symptoms but you might have virus in your nasal pharynx even though you don't have any symptoms so you want to make sure that you do something like wear a mask like keep your distance so you don't inadvertently infect someone else"

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off! Ignorance is bliss but there is a war for your mind. The Great Awakening of Humanity is happening. Turn off the Fake News/Mind Control/ Mainstream Media and search for the truth yourself. Once you are awake, it’s hard to go back to sheep... I mean sleep! It’s time to wake up and open your eyes. We are in the last days and we are seeing Bible Prophecy coming to pass before our eyes. Please check out my other YouTube channel called “Truth In The Living World” where I read God’s Word, the Bible for anyone who will listen. People have no idea what the Bible says, it’s AMAZING!!

Bible Prophecy Update- January 18, 2021

The "Great Reset" of 2021 has arrived. A high percentage of people see something is not right...but still have hopes that everything will return to normal....the reality is...we are in a new normal...and headed right into a New World Order headed by the future Antichrist....this is not a drill..It's happening here...and it is happening now. Jesus is coming soon! Repent, believe the Gospel, and be converted to new life in Jesus Christ today! Tomorrow is not promised! Jesus Christ is the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven and the only name that can save you!

The UN Sustainable Development/ Green New Deal / Agenda 21 - Agenda 2020 / New World Order /One World Government / The Great Reset / The BEAST System 666 (Satan’s short reign on earth) is described/prophesied in the book of Revelation 13 & the book of Daniel. They will take over energy, education, food, water, air, finances, land, depopulation. Do you really want to be a “worker bee” for the UN? Their agenda is to remove all freedom. This is communism on steroids. 1000 times worse than Hitler. The Bible tells us that History always repeats itself, there is nothing new under the sun and what has happened, will happen again.

The Bible is filled with prophecy and we see it coming to pass before our eyes! We can see the New World Order is rising up now. God vs. Satan, Good vs. Evil, Light vs. Darkness. You are either for God our creator and Abba, Father or against Him and trust me, you don’t want to be against him, it will be the worst mistake of your life. He loves you with an everlasting love and desires that all people come to him and believe. Time is running out.

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