Drake Austin Swim Technique Review

4 years ago

In this video, I review freestyle technique.

Things to work on:
1. Stop pushing water forward with every stroke. Your hand enters near your head and you finish your recovery underwater. This pushes water forward with every stroke and effectively puts the breaks on.
2. Finish your pull completely. You stop about 20% short of a full pull every time. Over long distances, this percentage adds up.
3. Work away from "Clean and jerk" style of pulling and smooth out your power so the entirety of the stroke is powerful, not just a small portion of it.
4. Work on your body positioning so your legs/feet aren't so far under the water. Work on rounding your back slightly so your lower body trends to the surface and work on kicking with your full leg without bending your knees. This will be a wholesale improvement on your body position since you will be lifting your lower body up instead of letting them drag down under the water.

Keep it up!

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