Interview about the current crisis and its big opportunities, May 21, 2020 - Patrick Moulin

4 years ago

Patrick is talking about the current world situation, the pandemic, the confusion and the potential for a big positive change.

The current world situation needs to be viewed from 3 levels. The first level is that of the 3D reality, the theater stage. We look at some major players and what are the main issues relating to the crisis.

The second layer is that of the collective consciousness. How is the current crisis reflected on this layer? What are the main themes that are being worked on?

The third layer is that of the Oneness perspective. The experience from there is different than that of the other 2 layers.

The whole crisis is shown also to be an opportunity for an evolutionary jump of the human race as a whole through a mass awakening that is triggered through the collective experience of stillness, Presence, the Now by a subset of the population in each continent. Anyone can learn a method to turn their attention within and dive into stillness, the transcendence. There are meditation methods out there, such as TM and others that allow the mind to experience stillness, the Now. It is easy to learn and to entrain the nervous system to maintain this wonderful state of awareness.

The central point is that everyone must choose now what kind of world they wish to live in. This is of upmost importance. The entire interview is kept in an inspirational tone.

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