The Return of Russian Collusion, 3467

4 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Yes, we are still going to talk about the coup as long as Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi try to beat President Trump into the ground.
Both of them are still desperate to try to resurrect their names as they continue to try to divert the nation’s attention away from the biggest problem of them all – China.
But K.T. McFarland, the former deputy national security advisor under General Flynn during the first four months of the Trump administration knows what these two are trying to accomplish – or at least she should know.
Of course, the Russians knew about it because ANTIFA is an evil mix of Soviet Marxism and anarchism. There was no intelligence failure, there is an ongoing patriotism failure.
Maybe, she’s just playing it safe by softening her criticism – hmmm, something I may have to consider for the next four years.

Then K.T. was asked about reports that the incoming Biden Administration already has emissaries talking with Iran renegotiating the nuclear deal that President Trump killed.
Remember during the Trump Transition period exactly 4 years ago, when President Trump’s designated National Security Advisor, Gen. Michael Flynn, was accused of violating the Logan Act by talking to the Russian Ambassador on the telephone? That is something that every top White House foreign policy expert has done a hundred times over in every incoming administration since the invention of the telephone.
Do you remember who initiated this specious claim? It was a guy by the name of Jake Sullivan.
And guess what Sullivan’s previous job in government was? He was Hillary Clinton’s chief foreign policy advisor when she was Secretary of State.
So, as of today, Jake Sullivan is arranging his new desk in the Joe Biden White House as the new National Security Advisor – the very same job Gen. Michael Flynn was doing for incoming President Trump.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of American freedom. Good Day.

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