Using Your Thumb As Anchor Point, And Your Pointer Finger To Fret Many Notes

4 years ago

In this video, we focus on using the thumb as an anchor point, while using the pointer finger to fret any note.

The idea of this exercise is to

1) familiarize yourself with the concept of anchor points, or reference points, or pivot points, that you can use to feel your way around the guitar.

Anchor/reference/pivot points allow you to develop your hand-ear coordination,

and allow you take your eyes off your hands, so you are more free to do other things with your eyes, especially to close your eyes.

Its OK to use your eyes at the beginning, to develop some hand-eye coordination, but that should only be a temporary crutch, a bridge you can use to cross over to hand-ear coordination.

The best way to bridge from hand-eye coordination to hand-ear coordination is simply to close your eyes.

You will be more sloppy at first, but within a few hours practice, you should notice remarkable improvement.

Shift your thinking from the way your fingers LOOK, to the way your fingers SOUND.

2) break yourself of the idea that you have to use a certain finger to fret a certain note. While it is good to “practice perfect”, its also a good idea to unlock and unleash your fingers, so that your fingers will eventually just work together to get the note you need, when you need it, by any means necessary.

Instead of having your mind get confused by trying to dictate to each finger what it should do, practice letting your mind go, and allowing your fingers to just work it out amongst themselves, to get the sound you want to hear.

next video:

Learning Guitar, One Half Step At A Time. From E to F at the 12th and 13th fret of low E string

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