Senior Policy Advisor: The Skull ☠ Bones Society Is Pure Evil

4 years ago

Charlotte Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America , discusses the influence that Skull and Bones had on the beginning of public education, and how their initial plans led to one of the most dismal failures of public education.

She was the Senior Policy Advisor at the U.S. Department of Education during the 1980s & was trained as a Change Agent to help promote this change. In her book, The Deliberate Dumbing-Down of America, she provides evidence in the form of a timeline, which contains a paper trail dating back to the 1930s, consisting of mainstream news, congressional records, & publications authored by these institutions. Her evidence shows undeniably that the major Tax-exempt Foundations caused a drastic change in the school system, by way of legislation, incredible funding, propaganda, & deception.

Iserbyt stated, "Principals who resisted innovation eventually ended up being forced out of the system undergoing radical change." "Their trials and tribulations, " says Iserbyt, "were known only to them, and what they underwent during the change agents' activities in their schools could be described as inhumane treatment." Is it possible that this inhumane treatment included Mobbing? Probably. The Change Agents were equipped with information on how to identify resisters, sneak in controversial methods using Semantic Deception, & manipulate naive school boards.

Iserbyt describes a Change Agent, as, "[a] term used by many people, including President Clinton, leading educators, and social engineers, to identify individuals, highly trained in the group process and in the Delphi Technique." The Delphi Technique is a method used to manipulate a group, large or small, during a Q&A period so it arrives at a predetermined conclusion. She continues, "These people are designated to bring about controversial change in education, in the operation of our local and state governments, and at the federal and international levels." After resisters were identified, Change Agents would use other educators who had embraced the new system to pressure them into conforming. Non-conformists were forced out of the industry.

Interestingly, this new method of teaching which Iserbyt speaks of, coincides exactly with the Reece Committee findings during the 50s. Congress investigated these major foundations, & discovered they were funding subversive political movements, which favored a one-world government. These movements were accomplished using "vast propaganda," & behavior modification, backed by heavy financing. The Commission on Industrial Relations also studied them under the Congressional Act of August 23, 1912, & discovered that they posed so "grave a menace" to our way of life that they should be dismantled.

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