Permanent remove urine stench from antique Oriental carpet

4 years ago

Permanent remove urine stench from antique Oriental carpet

After you had tried all the cleaning products in the market, and even a professional carpet cleaner cannot remove the Urine odor.

PetPeePee system had revolutionaries the carpet cleaning industry, by inventing a New machine & cleaning process, (its not a Steam Cleaning or a Dry Cleaning) Odor free cleaner from the Dead Sea.

All of this to eliminate permanently the urine odor Naturally.
Upon Delivery​
“Place your nose” where ever you'd like on the cleaned, Oriental rug, Drapery, or Pillow!
Guaranteed it's Clean, and NO traces of: Urine odor, Enzyme, Deodorizer, or Chemical smell.

PetPeePee is the last resort before the dumpster. We Do it right!
#orientalrugclean #petpeepee #antiquerugclean

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